How To Use PeepSo To Build A Community For Your LearnDash Courses
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How To Use PeepSo To Build A Community For Your LearnDash Courses

The world of online education is rapidly expanding and learning management systems are evolving to make the online learning process more efficient and valuable than ever before. Course creators are constantly on the lookout for new strategies to make their content more engaging, useful, and interactive. Incorporating social learning to your current LMS set-up is a smart strategy you can use to build up your website’s community and improve the learning process.

You can easily build an entire social network around your LearnDash courses using the PeepSo plugin. In this post, we’ll introduce you to this social networking plugin and the many features you can take advantage of with the PeepSo and LearnDash integration. If you are interested in social networking plugins for LMS, you also check out our post comparing PeepSo and BuddyPress for social learning.

The Benefits of Using PeepSo With LearnDash

The social theory of learning, which was presented several decades ago, introduced the importance of social interactions in learning. The most important idea in this theory is that humans essentially acquire knowledge and develop new skills through social behavior. In a way, we all learn from each other. 

Social learning is inherently a part of a physical classroom setting.  In a real-life classroom, students are in a setting where they constantly engage with classmates and instructors. However, this type of social environment is not naturally a part of any online LMS. New tools and features need to be consciously used to try to replicate social interactions that contribute to the learning process. Doing so is highly valuable since it allows course creators to benefit from the natural learning patterns humans have developed through time.

The Importance of Social Learning

By creating a social environment surrounding your courses, PeepSo can improve the communication between the student body participating in your courses. At the same time, the platform facilitates student-instructor communication. Due to its interactive nature and similarity to popular social networks, students can rapidly adapt to using social networking features. As a result, you can introduce collaborative learning in a way that seems natural and easy to understand. 

peepso learndash social learning

Social behavior is not only important to the learning process, but it also benefits the user experience as a whole. Being able to make friends and share learning progress and achievements can make your e-learning website be more fun and captivating. Simply implementing a social network to your LearnDash courses can make your website stand out among competitors.

How Does PeepSo Integrate With LearnDash?

PeepSo offers a wide set of social features that can come in handy for e-learning websites using LearnDash. These tools can be used in a variety of ways to enhance course activity. Some cool ideas you can try using the PeepSo and LearnDash integration include:

  • You can create course-related groups for students for collaboration, group assignments, etc.
  • Polls can help you assess user satisfaction among students and find out what type of courses students would like to see in the future.
  • You can easily share audio, video, and live stream, all of which are valuable tools that can be used to provide educational content to others. For example, if your students are struggling with specific questions, you can quickly share a video tutorial or even go on live stream and answer doubts in real-time.
  • PeepSo has many other add-on features that are valuable in a learning environment. For example, their WordFilter plugin can be used to filter out bad language from the site, keeping the content and user interactions educational.