Launching LearnDash Advanced Quizzes - Wooninjas - The WooCommerce Ninjas

Launching LearnDash Advanced Quizzes

We are pleased to announce our new LearnDash Advanced Quizzes add-on.

This add-on boosts the functionality of LearnDash Quizzes. It provides you additional question types, negative markings for quiz questions, and many other awesome features.

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What Does LearnDash Advanced Quizzes Do?

LearnDash Advanced Quizzes has many awesome features, which enhances the functionality of LearnDash quizzes. The add-on lets you create more user-friendly and useful LearnDash quizzes. It offers additional question types like swipe questions, calculated formula questions, and jumbled questions.

The add-on also lets you do many other useful things like include negative marking, add a time limit for each question, save and resume quizzes, and much more. Let us discuss some of these features in further detail below.

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Add-On Features:

Save/Resume Quiz

The Save and Resume quiz option allows the user to save and resume their quizzes. Students can complete quizzes at their own pace. By saving it will save all previous questions and can resume when they return. Moreover, you can also set the resume limit. 

Time Limit for Each Question

This option allows you to set the time limit for individual question, set “0” for no limit. Allowing specific time for each question helps your students to determine the difficulty of each question.